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Creative Process

The artistic Handicrafts are envisioned, developed, drafted and manufactured in our own workshop for art restoration in Dresden. An old, lovingly-restored farmhouse not only offers the rooms necessary for working, but it also provides the proper atmosphere and surroundings necessary for completing the delicate task. This is of vital and utmost importance during the entire creative process, since it allows the true spirit of the Baroque era to come alive.

200 Jahre altes Fachwerkhaus im Ortskern Altkaditz

The studio is housed in a 200-year-old monument situated in Altkaditz which is a part of Dresden
Interieur Werkstatt Altkaditz

Interieur of the studio



Blattgold wird auf Format geschnitten

Cutting of gold leaf

Gold leaf application: The gold leaf is attached to the oil-painted surface of the egg by the help of a special flat brush.


Gold leaf application: The gold leaf is attached to the oil-painted surface of the egg by the help of a special flat brush.
Die Schattierungen werden auf die vergoldeten Ornamente aufgetragen

Shadow-lining and contouring the gilded ornaments
Ein vergoldeter Sockel wird mit dem Achat auf Hochglanz poliert

Polishing a gilded base by the help of an agate

Das fertiggestellte Lackmalerei

Finished decoration with typical “Jewel Chamber”-design in gold as well as red and blue lacquer
Skizzen zur Entwicklung der Ornamentik

Artistic scetches to design ornaments according to the historical patterns
Quelle künstlerischer Neugestaltungen und Nachempfindungen

By studying Saxon baroque-style architecture, furniture-lacquer and artworks we got essential information about art-historical and art-technological peculiarities.